Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just Like Christmas!

Last week, I signed up for a CSA Box.  Today, I received my first box, delivered right to my door!  I felt like I was opening a gift on Christmas. 

My Cornucopia
CSA stands for "Community Sponsored Agriculture," and allows consumers to purchase in-season, fresh produce directly from the farmer.  Some CSAs deliver your box of goodness; others have pick-up locations.  The particular farm I ordered from creates wonderful boxes full of a variety of fruits and vegetables small enough for 1-2 people (or larger for a family of 5 or 6), and allows you to choose the frequency so your bounty doesn't go to waste.  I have wanted to do this for quite awhile, but was only able to find farms that delivered giant boxes, which doesn't work for a single person like me who travels for work.  There are so many options out there, I feel confident that if this interests you, you will be able to find one that works for you, too!

Makes me giddy thinking of biting into these!

Some farms allow you to pick whether or not you want more fruit than veggies, more veggies than fruit, to choose your favorites, etc.  I chose to be surprised - this is half the fun, I think, and will force me to eat a wider variety of foods.  I'm already dreaming of what I'm going to do with my Bartlett Pears, Swiss Chard, beets, and cauliflauer...drooling over the future possibilities of what I cook or can!

If you are interested in ordering a CSA Box, go to http://www.localharvest.org/ to find a CSA farm near you.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is an old post to comment on, but man those pics look good! I heart fresh veggies. Makes me want to join in on the CSA fun! -miko
