Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tomatoland by Barry Estabrook

I LOVE tomatoes, cook with them nearly every day, and I'm constantly searching for a great-tasting tomato.  Now I know why it's so hard to find one!  I bought this book while all geeked up at a food fair in Santa Monica earlier this Fall.  An entire book devoted to tomatoes?  This made me so happy, I even bought the autographed copy.  I'm not going to re-invent the wheel and write a synopsis of this fascinating look at the modern tomato industry - click here to read one on google.    This book focuses primarily on the large-ag tomato industry that grew in the state of Florida over the last 100 years, and why Florida may not be the best place for a tomato to grow.  He visits with a famous tomato horticulturalist in California, a Florida prosecuter who fights human traffickers for tomato workers' rights, and an organic farmer in Pennsylvania whose determination has allowed him to grow a variety of great-tasting tomatoes to supply to New York City restaurants and farmers' markets.  These are just a few of the cast of characters who make up our modern tomato industry.

In the vein of The Omnivore's Dilemma, Fast Food Nation, and other close-up looks at where our food comes from, Tomatoland made me re-think where I buy my tomatoes!  Can I get more of these?  xo, AB
Organic heirloom tomatoes from Farm Fresh to You (CSA)

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